Sorry for the delay man…the interweb no worky for two days at the hotel. Berry strange, but hopefully this will work…all for the best though because now I have some ammo. Man, last night was hilarious. And it started off so innocently. But that is the thing about this country, just when you think you have things under control, they slip a few more chillis in the sauce and you are crying into your breakfast (fyi-the thais don’t really have “breakfast” or “lunch,” they have “food,” there are words for the meals we eat, but they rarely use them and they are all built off of the word “ahan” which is food and the meals themselves are not that different. For example, for a traditional southern style breakfast today, I had cow yum which is rice mixed with coconut, basil, scallions, fish sauce, and bean sprouts and then a green curry with a thai version of collard greens and shrimp.) we have been slipping into nights on the movie so things have been getting later and later but last night, the other round eye in the movie, a guy called spencer garrett who is funny as hell and an absolute trip to hang with-a lovely partner in crime, and I got off early. On the way home, the other people in the car asked to stop at the mall (guh). Spencer and I relented and went in-the options were to 1) pull card and not let them get away with this or 2) wait in the car or 3) go in and let them have 3 minutes (spencer’s idea). We chose three. This worked out fine since spencer and I got the bright idea to purchase scrabble if we could find it. We could not, but we did find “spendy game.” Amazing. Just like scrabble in every way save the name. brilliant. I will never play scrabble again, it will forever be known as spendy game. So we plopped in the lobby around 9 and ordered a mai tai. And another. And another. Then a French guy showed up and asked us where we were from. I spoke French. He said (and pass this on to frenchy and alyson please), obviously you have lived in france or live there now, your accent is perfect. Awesome. I love this guy. I love mai tais. He said he was on his honeymoon with his new wife and she was on her way down. She was brazilian and awesome and we bought them mai tais. And mai tais. Then we went to crazy pub with them. Spencer got the massage in the bathroom and tipped the guy 30 bucks. He was so thrilled with it, he cracked the guys back as well. Reciprocity in the toilet. The same band played. We drank some singha (which, also fyi, is pronounced “sing”). Everyone got hungry after dancing for an hour or so and we stumbled out into the streets of krabi only to find one joint open. It was a sidewalk café with plastic tables and loads of young thais downing beer with ice (yes, they do that here) and smoking cigarillos. We asked our wonderfully androgynous (no, she was not a lady boy, but those stories are not far off-there are loads on our crew) waitress/er for food and she said they only have noodle soup. We got three to share for the four of us. It was the least spicy thing we have eaten here but the frenchy and his wife were begging for mercy. Spencer and I told them to fear the food then. They were in trouble. Then spencer and I went on stage (did I mention this lovely café had a karoke machine on the sidewalk?) and cracked off a wonderful, off key rendition of my way and then closed the night with the four of us belting out red red wine or some such euro type song. Epic. Hilarious. The brazilian wife (daniella) turned to me at the end of the night and said I may have forgotten your faces from your movies, but I will never forget this night. Nor will i.
I learned something about mai tais from the Wikipedia. Not only were they "invented" at trader vic's in Oakland but "mai tai" is Tahitian not Thai. It means "good." So I totally don't get how and why they're all over Thailand. I mean, Scrabble can't even make it over there in one piece. But Bon Jovi can. Sort of.
it would take a least a dozen mai tais, and spicy noodles, and heat stroke to get me on that stage. Or at least 2 nice lady-boys!
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