Friday, June 13, 2008



Man. It has been hectic around here. Thais don’t like hectic. They kind of panic and forget things. It is not in their nature. In so many ways, I feel like this is the Italy of Asia. Without all the yelling and the lip hair. And good fashion. Oh, and they kind of don’t have any major works of art that matter to me. But other than that, just the same. They have a slow, lackadaisical approach to life, especially when it comes to eating. They take their time and enjoy every bite. We seem to live by this motto in the states and it is nice to see it as a countrywide practice over here. Every girl knows the best dish on the menu and they always finish their plates. They tend to like beer. And spicy food. That makes every meal kind of fun. But when things pick up, like on a movie set, they tend to forget some major things. When I put my shoes on this morning for a nice little scene in the airport, I felt a bit of something in the front of my loafers. i took it off and gave it a good shake and into the heal plopped a rather large portion of corn bread. Or possibly corn pone. There was certainly some weight to it-the fat content must have been higher than usual. Maybe some of my sweat had congealed things a bit. But man. Corn bread? In my shoe? I just lolled over to the director and made him hold his hand out and dumped the contents into his palm. He kind of freaked and then laughed…the night before, there was a lovely bit where a dog was supposed to “eat” my shoe. The corn bread was the bait. And the thais just kind of forgot it. Huh. They like things a bit slower around here I guess.


that wilson girl said...

i hope it was at least delicious corn ponebreadcake. as well, i am relieved to not have been treated to a picture of your foot, as much as i miss that foot

that wilson girl said...

Also, "The Italy of Asia."

