Wednesday, June 4, 2008

and it rained all night


So the rains came in a bit last night. Not so tragic or even that long but it changes things in a way that is hard to describe. It is a bit like florida in that way. A gusher just passes right through and kills off the humidity and the mosquitoes for a second. Sometimes the sun does not even stop shining. It just makes all the greens of this place pop that much more. When we were up on the tiger Buddha temple, a bigger storm passed through. We were, of course, 1200 steps up and making a movie, so we just decided to wait it out. It made me think back to the times when I was a kid and I would sit on the screened porch and watch the rain just come down in sheets on the those hot, Atlanta nights. I just pulled up a limestone crag and enjoyed the view (my camera was at the bottom, so just read and imagine). I have never seen rain move like this. Where we sat, it was sunny (we were on the highest mountain in view, so I did have a unique perspective of things) and light, but just off to the left, over the town of krabi, was a huge storm cloud. The line of rain pulsated. We watched that knife edge just crawl across the country toward us. Persistent. Diligent. Like those days I am sure you had in philly when the sun would be shining in the front yard and the back would be spitting so you ran back and forth with your friends just laughing until finally it was all sun or all rain and you were tired and wet and just amazed at this world. We were just sitting there, being taken over by mother nature. This part of the world has had its share of bouts with her, so you pay your respects. The monkeys even seemed to know her power. Things are quite raw here, sometimes in a bad way. You see how the water could sweep them all away. But man, you also see why they stay.


50percentopacity said...

man. amazing.

packing now for my own trip...back to PA...won't be krabi but maybe it will rain.

that wilson girl said...

suay maak

Unknown said...

favorite posting so far. I found myself longing for my own childhood, where rain was rare. But when it came, we keep one eye on the trees waiting for the wind to lay down so we could climb the fence and go surfing.