i am back-i don't know how you feel about multiple posts in a day (again the title is betraying me: 2 posts and still in japan) but i had to relay this. it makes me laugh and jealous and happy and drunk. some of my favorite things.
so i am happily surfing away in the lounge, getting a bit peckish, when i head over to check out the vittles. sushi-of course. little tiny plastic bottles of soy sauce-yes. none of this packet shit like in the states. ice cold asahi? why not. and this is where it gets funny. no bottles...just a fridge of chilled glasses and a funny lookin' coffee dispenser type thing. i set my glass down and push the button (just push once) and it whirs and clangs and actually hurls my glass up and into a proper lean for the headless pour. this picture is obviously taken after the movement, so the drama at first use is gone. that was the funny part. my audible panic as i reached up for the glass as it (certainly) was tilting off the counter. but no!! these japs!! a perfect, headless pour. but wait, pal, you say-i like a little head on my suds. ahhh, the machine knows we all do. so it tips your glass back straight at the end and pumps in just a splash...wham...perfect. i now have two beers to drink. thanks sean for making me go back and take a picture and get more beer!! you rule.
i will be extremely disappointed if, for christmas next year, i don't receive one of those asahi beer dispensers. that is one of the most wonderfully pointless things the world, no, the japanese, have ever invented.
excellent times here with the blog. congratulations, mazel tov, bonne chance, etc. looking forward to the entry where you meet a ladyboy and hilarity ensues.
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